sorry it has been so long since my last post, things in life have picked up and i have to say this month has flown by!
i am officially 27 weeks today, in the last week of my second trimester! how time flies! 28 weeks will mark the beginning of the third trimester, a time of much growth and anticipation for the newest addition to the watson crew :) i think the dogs are starting to understand something is changing in me...they are so gentle with my belly and love to rest their cute little faces on it. wee LOVES when they do this and responds with a few somersaults and elbows :)
so, what has happened this month...
1. we opened our lululemon nashville store! it is so beautiful and i am so proud to call it home. here are some photos so you can enjoy it too :)

the front entrance

our cash wrap
it has kept me busy, and wee watson has been along for the whole ride! i am so proud of my whole team, it is an amazing place because of them :) here is a pic of a few of us with the founder of lululemon, chip wilson who came to visit us days after we opened!
chip is in the white t-shirt in the back and to the right :)
2. my little nephew, Jack, turned 1! i can't believe it, he is the cutest! check out this picture if you can even stand it!!!
don't you want to just squeeze those cheeks? i do!!!
3. i have officially become a woman. i bought bras yesterday, like real person, 3-clasp bras! amazing i know. for some of you, you might be saying, too much information!! well, stop reading here...haha. for those of you amazed and astonished since you know prior to this faithful day i was the proud owner of the same bras since i was fifteen, and even then owned them not out of need but because everyone else around me had them :) they were essentially training bras, so this is a HUGE leap. and imagine my surprise when i was measured and they told me i was a 36C! yes, C. wow, wee watson thank you! haha.
as for wee, he/she is growing by the minute. most everyone i run into now recognizes that i am pregnant and so i have enjoyed chatting more and more about it. hank and i started our childbirth classes and are looking forward to learning more about how we can work together to make this an amazing birth experience no matter what happens. :)
my books/websites tell me wee watson is now almost 2 pounds and 9 inches from crown to rump! so big! hank and i are getting SO excited to meet wee, to snuggle him/her and know whether it is a him or her!!!!
here is an updated pic of the belly....
not the best quality, it was a self-pic while i was in memphis this week. better pictures to follow :)
that just about covers it! i promise i won't be such a stranger :)