we had such an amazing weekend with our fam in town! my two sister in laws, Maggie and Suzanne, came with their littlest ones, Quinn and Kai. So, three babies, three women and hank :) just when hank thought the house was at it's max estrogen level...haha.
what i really loved about the weekend was that i felt like such a mom. being in the house alone, i know i am a mom, but being out and about with other moms, doing kid friendly things, eating dinner at 530, having brunch at 9am, napping at 2...it was just awesome. we did SO much, yet i never felt like if i had to stop and breastfeed that i was holding anyone up!
thank you maggie and suzanne SO much for coming, lillian and i miss you all! please come back!! :)

lillian happily napping on her aunt suz (and K2!)
hank and i with all the kiddos...a gaze into our future? :)
we also drove out to to see our cousins brian, chris and eva and their kids. so nice to meet some relatives on hank's side that i hadn't gotten the chance to. just such a family and kid packed weekend! love.
lillian and i are really getting into a groove. we wake up by 9am, feed her, get her dressed, have some time laying on the floor together, either checking out the ceiling fans, reading some books or dancing to some tunes (thanks maggie and suzanne, we LOVE the new music!). then she usually falls asleep by 10:30 or so, i get showered, get some laundry going, or take a walk with her while she naps. then she is up by 2pm or so, she feeds again, we have some time to either run errands together (she love love loves the car and car seat, makes her smile every time) or practice her tummy time. then she will feed again around 4, sometimes doze off again (this is when i sneak in a nap if i need one :), then up by 6 or so, feed again, she hangs out with dad until she feeds around 830, 9pm and then she is off to bed. :) we are doing bathtime at night two times a week, unless she has been especially messy :) she still loves her bathtime, so we are going to try and take her to the pool soon. the pediatrician said it is fine, and since she loves the water so much, i figure why not? looking forward to seeing how she reacts :)
i feel so cheesy every time i say this, but i love being a mom. truly the most amazing accomplishment of my life. because it really is an accomplishment. a beautiful and wonderful accomplishment and i couldn't be more proud of hank and i and our little lillybug. we don't ever really know we are doing things right, but gosh darn'et we are doing it!! it is messy and sometimes scary, but oh so worth it. and i give lilly, hank and i a pat on the back, because i think we are rockin' it all in all :)