
is it just me, or is everyone preggers?

my baby center picture this week, wee watson is the size of a lime!

i feel like since i found out i was pregnant, everyone else is too! and it is so amazing, because it is one of those things that makes you realize, this happens all the time. women get pregnant and go about their lives. it is not that there is nothing special about this process, because it is so intimate, so life changing, so beautiful. but, what seeing lots of women with their bellies buzzing around me makes me realize is that- i am going to do just fine. we all will.

i am finding that what makes me feel best about being a new mom-to-be is listening to my body. if i am tired, i rest. if i am hungry, i eat. if i am up for a spin class, i take it! i think it is so important we don't let ourselves get weighed down by all the do's and don'ts of pregnancy and trust that we were all born with a maternal instinct, and if we just listen to it, we will always make the right choice. it is your body, your baby and you know best!

so looking forward to my next ultrasound next week, today is the end of my first trimester! small glass of red wine, here i come :)

ps. if you haven't signed up for baby center yet, you should. it gives you week by week updates on the size and development of your new addition!

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