
week six

nausea. enough said.
it has hit, the wrath of wee watson has begun! oh and, couldn't help but call our immediate family, it was just too much fun to share! plus, i figured, if something happened to our new addition before he/she gets to greet the world- i would need my families love and support. not that we plan for these things, but hey, who knows right?

so they call it morning sickness, but i don't know why, it is not like at noon, it ends. nope, keeps on going. so, i have struggled to eat this week, to want to eat really. i walked into one of my favorite restaurants, Wild Cow, the other day, thinking there is no way wee watson could get mad at me for this one! BUT, i had to walk right back out the door, the smell just didn't settle. so toast with butter it is.

i am also beginning to notice that my boobs are growing. and for me, this is a serious perk. :)

feeling less inclined to go to yoga, more inclined to lay on my couch, but some poses that feel really good to do right now are Cat/Cow Stretches, Child's Pose & Viparita Karani (otherwise known as legs up the wall pose). I am also loving my lavendar scented eye pillow right now, being in Viparita Karani, a sandbag on top of my feet, a bolster under my bum and sacrum and an eye pillow on my eyes...ahh, a little piece of heaven. i figure this is a time to nuture and love my body, not push it to any place it doesn't want to go.

try it and let me know what you think :)

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