
weeks seven to nine

First ultrasound! Wee Watson is only a few cm big...but healthy!

What an experience.
Actually, would love to say it was a good one, but unfortunately it was not. we were brought in by a nurse who told us to just sit and wait for an ultrasound tech to come. hank, my husband, and i are bursting with excitement and nerves when this women comes, reads my name off a chart and asks us to follow her into a room. she points to the table and says "lay down and pull your shorts down and your shirt up." so, i do, she slaps some goo on my non-existent belly and begins to push the machine down on my pelvis. when she realizes this is my first ultrasound, not only for this baby but ever, she quickly removes the machine and tells me she is going to have to do it vaginally since i am so early (8 weeks). At this point there has still been NO explanation of what is going on, NO questions asked. is a congratulations too much to ask for? yes ma'am.

thankfully, our second nurse and midwife were amazing. explained everything we saw on the ultrasound machine- a heathy, strong little babe :) what else could we ask for, really?
we immediately sent the picture of our wee watson out to our families, and began to spread the word to aunts, uncles and cousins. that is the best part! also told some of my close friends, waiting for the next ultrasound at 13 weeks to tell the world :) oh, and this one is optional, but according to my sister is a must do. she says it is the coolest one, we will get to hear the heartbeat! they check for any signs of down syndrome or chromosomal defects, i am not doing it for that, just for another chance to see wee watson!

so, i hope for all of you a very nurturing, relaxing and informative first ultrasound, whether it is your first ever, or just your first for the current pregnancy! if you have any stories to share or places you love, please let me know!

ps. i am craving bagels. yes, yummy toasted, veggie cream cheese covered sesame bagels. my record so far is 3 in one day. Bruggers loves me. :)

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