
on the move!

i have yet to catch it on video, but the big news of the week is that lillian in on the move! she is loving every minute of crawling, has yet to really fly from one end of the room to the other, but she is flopping and rolling and having a blast.
makes me so happy! and lillian too :)

i am also riding high off my trip to nashville. it is the most magical place for me. my heart was bursting with love for the people who inhabit that amazing city.  sarah, thank you for having us in your home and being the most amazing friend i could ask for (not to mention an amazing aunt to lilly-bug :)
lillian got to have a playdate with her best bud summer while i got to catch up with my great friend, heather.
 sorry it is so blurry, those babies are on the move!
heather & summer, we love you and miss you SO much!

then we went to salutation nation, a nation-wide yoga event lululemon athletica (my old employer) put on. amazing music, people and yoga. this was my first yoga class in a month, and let me just say, i felt like i finally took a breath for the first time in a month. my heart was so full. 
lillian hung in her car seat and let me practice for about 45 min. for the rest of the class we strolled around and enjoyed the music.
last but not least, we laughed, played and drank beer with some of the most amazing people on the planet (ok, well my planet). mindy, brooke, michael and caroline- you all gave me more this weekend than you could ever know. thank you for loving me & lillian no matter what. ya'll rock my world.

1 comment:

  1. Crawling is the best - I love watching them explore. So fun - each stage is more fun than the last. No one ever told me this! I just kept getting warnings.

    Miss you Molly, and I'm so glad you had a good time in Nashville. You are loved here (Hank & LIllian too!) :)
