
super powers.

i wouldn’t call myself a feminist, but women kind of kick ass. correction, they basically have super powers.
woman have the capability to make humans.
yeah, pause for a second and digest that one.
h u m a n beings.
real ones.

crazy right? it is mind blowing.
oh, and then after we create said human being we then proceed to learn to do everything with one hand. yes, we almost over night lose function of one side of our bodies at any given point because it is most likely holding:
a. a baby
b. baby related item 
c.all of the above

impressive. and if that isn’t enough, most of the time it isn’t even our dominant hand that we get to keep, see these babies always seem to like to be on our dominant side leaving us to fend with the un-dominant hand.
and theres more.

in come the boobs.
yup, we also lose full control of them too.
they leak, somewhat uncontrollably at first, they get taken advantage of and are in higher demand than on your honeymoon.

the real cherry on top? woman somehow can hold said baby, breastfeed and simultaneously cook, clean, brush teeth and or save the world. one-armed, with no boobs and half asleep.

so, this officially is my ode to woman. you are a m a z i n g. whether you have a child or not, you are the worlds most amazing multitasker, your beautiful and stronger than any superhero i know. (ok, i don’t know a lot of superheros but i am pretty sure they wouldn’t want to mess with most women i do know).

1 comment:

  1. Loved this and loved having you and Lillian here for the weekend. I am truly blessed that you both are in my life. Hope your drive home went okay, and I can't wait to see you guys soon.
    P.S. You should totally frame that photo from Halloween of you and Hank behind Lillian. My favorite family photo of you guys ever!
