
a little help, please?

it goes without saying there have been a lot of changes around these parts and well, i have been doing some thinking.

does this blog make sense anymore?

i have loved every post, sharing my pregnancy and almost the whole first year of lillian's life, but i am feeling a bit like this whole blog thing has turned into a public photo album. which, frankly, is kind of starting to freak me out.

so, take the pictures off?
well, then what am i left with?

every once and awhile i have something to say, something worth value, i believe in that. but, not sure this is the media format in which i really wish to express it and remember it.

so, feedback? thoughts?


much appreciated. always.


  1. Maybe you can switch it up so the focus is more on you, instead of Lillian. You as a mom, you as a lover of yoga, you as a woman. Even in your posts about Lillian, I think I am always more focused on the parts where you are talking about yourself. How you are dealing with her growing up...how you are dealing with moving...how you are trying to balance life in a new home. I also think we live in a world where people want pictures, but I agree that it can be pretty scary putting family photos out for all the world to see. So maybe you can still use photos, but less of Lillian. Of course the occasional "she is so cute I can't even stand it" photos we would love to see! :) Decide what's best for you we will support you in it!

  2. I think I have a totally different perspective. I enjoy seeing photos of Lillian a lot, and I also enjoy reading your thoughts.

    The blogs that I am currently reading follows your pattern: photos with sown text. I appreciate seeing high quality photos as I see it a kind of art, rather than simple iPhone photos.

    The one thing is I don't really know when you are going to post. Usually bloggers have a definite schedule. Maybe it is because you have a hectic schedule;))

    No matter what I will still read your blogs and support you!!! Of course, I will die for Lillian's photos...

    Maybe the best thing is to find a moderation between text and photos, whatever works for you:)))


  3. Molly,
    It's tough - but you will find your groove. I say just go with whatever you're feeling anytime you want to share something with us. Perhaps it's a story about asking for help (needed to read that!) or a beautiful photo of Lillian or just some wise words. No need to label your blog - it's your space and you can use it however you wish. I will say that I have learned there are some strange people out there, and I have to remind myself that anyone can read our blogs, and once you put it out there, it's there for forever.
